Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Artifact 3B

Lesson Plan
GRADE LEVEL:           2
DATE and TIME ALOTTMENT:       May 2nd, 2011                     1hour   
SUBJECT AREA(S):            Math (Based on TERC investigation)

·         Students will understand
Patterns, Relations, and Algebra
2.P.4 Skip count by twos, fives, and tens up to at least 50, starting at any number.
2.G.6 Predict the results of putting shapes together and taking them apart.
·         Student’s ability to identify a pattern as means to solve a problem.
·         Student’s ability to use Skip Counting as means to achieve their goal.

Plan for Learning
·         Students will have used cube buildings before.
·         Students will know what a floor in their building is.
·         Students will know what a room in their building is.
·         Students will be familiar with a table chart.
·         “On Friday we used a table to record information about our buildings…”
·         “What were the two columns on our table?”
o   Make reference to the same chart hanging on the board.
1.       Warm Up: “Build a Building…”     (10-15 minutes)
a.       When students enter the room they will gather on the rug.
b.      Teacher will preframe the warm up activity.
                                                               i.      Each student will be positioned at a table.
                                                             ii.      Each table will have counting cubes.
                                                            iii.      The teacher will say, “I’m looking to buy a building. I am looking for a building with 6 floors and 2 rooms on each floor.”
                                                           iv.      Students will work together to build a building that fits the requirements. 
c.       The activity will last 3-5 rounds, pending time and student response.
2.       Further Activate Prior Knowledge/Discussion (15 Minutes)
a.       Students regroup on the rug
b.      Activate Prior Knowledge
                                                               i.      “On Friday we used a table to record information about our buildings…”
                                                             ii.      “What were the two columns on our table?”
1.       Make reference to the same chart hanging on the board.
c.       Draw cube buildings on the board.
d.      Fill in the chart with the class.
3.       Activity: (20-25 minutes)
a.       Students will be split into groups based on student work collected from Friday.  (See Modifications/Accommodations/Extensions section of plan)
b.      Each group will receive their own written worksheet.
c.       Adult facilitating each group will explain the directions.
4.       Wrap Up: (5 Minutes or Remaining Time)
a.       Students will gather on rug.
b.      Teacher will conduct a brief inventory on how the students felt math class went today.
·         Counting cubes
·         2 Worksheets

Connecting Theory to Practice
The Discussion portion of lesson will be reinforced by visual cues written on whiteboard. Students will have the opportunity to hear their peers understanding of the comments along with teacher instruction.
The written Activities are specifically tailored to the needs of the students. Each activity is constructed to further student understanding and clarifies any misconceptions. An adult will be available to help students as necessary.
For the written Activity portion of lesson, students will be split into two categories based on their performance on Friday’s lesson. The groups are as follows:
1.       Some Understanding:
a.       Collectively these students needed a lot of adult help in order to complete Friday’s worksheet.
b.      They made similar mistakes with the fundamental concepts.
c.       Some are unable to identify the number of rooms/floors in a building without coaching.
Each group listed below will be lead by an adult.
Group 1:
Keyshawn M.
Group 2:
Keyshawn K.

2.       Proficient/Complete Understanding:
a.       Students were able to complete Friday’s worksheet with minimal errors.
b.      Students are able to identify the number of floors in building and calculate the number of rooms total without counting.
c.       Students are able to recognize patterns in data.
d.      Students are beginning to (or with coaching) use patterns to further their understanding of data.
The following students will participate in a brief small group mini lesson on buildings with floors that do not have the same number of rooms. This will be their extension to the lesson.

The other students in this category will benefit from additional practice on the same material, just presented in a more challenging way.

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